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Languages & Linguistics

Chair: Udambor Bumandalai
Phone: (435) 283-7443
Email: ude.wons@ialandamub.robmadu

The Languages and Linguistics department strives to foster a deep understanding and appreciation of human language forms and functions. We commit to providing our students with the skills and knowledge they need to use language(s) to communicate effectively, think critically, and be and participate as linguistically and culturally informed global citizens.

Our faculty comes with a wide range of linguistic and cultural knowledge and backgrounds. We regularly network internally and externally, participate and present at professional conferences, and strive to develop ourselves professionally in order to serve our students as we advise, share our experiences, and facilitate their learning.

Our students are expected to be active learners as they are introduced to linguistic topics, cultural knowledge, and experiences with language(s). This is achieved through proactive classroom attendance and participation, group work, peer mentoring, participation in study abroad opportunities, and experience of student teaching.

The Languages and Linguistics Department offers the following three programs:

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