Snow College has one of the Highest Student Success rate in America!
The mission of Snow College is to continue a tradition of excellence, encourage a culture of innovation, and cultivate an atmosphere of engagement to advance students in the achievement of their educational goals. The College achieves this mission through a constant pursuit of excellence in teaching; through a nurturing, positive learning environment; and through people who demonstrate a love for learning and service to humanity. Students are drawn to Snow College because of its reputation for academic excellence and individual student care.
Snow College is ranked #1 in the nation for student success, according to an unsolicited report by the Chronicle of Higher Education. The report, “ranks colleges that mainly serve students who are seeking an associate degree or preparing to transfer to a four-year institution by the percentage of first-time, full-time students who completed within 150 percent of the normal time, transferred to another higher-education institution, or were still enrolled at original college.”
With an 85% success rate, Snow College is the only state institution to be ranked on the Chronicle List. Provost Steve Hood said, “Student success in our top priority. In fact, all employees have a reminder on their desks that this is our Number One goal. We appreciate our faculty and staff’s dedication in helping students achieve their academic goals.”
The State Board of Regents has focused on timely completion as part of their strategic plan and has a goal to increase the percentage of students who persist in and graduate from higher education. Their 2017 Annual Report says that, ”Forty-three percent of USHE students graduate within 150% of time (six years for a bachelor’s degree, three years for an associate)…Students save time, tuition costs, and forgone wages by graduating on time.” Snow College is leading out on improving the timely completion rate and will continue to respond to state priorities as advisors help student stay on track for graduation.
The report can be seen in its entirety at