The Utah Board of Higher Education (USHE) adopted a growth funding model that provides on-going fund increases for each budget-related, resident FTE growth in vocational, lower division, and upper division courses, respectively. Currently the 100-FTE "milestone" is determined against the 2019 calendar year. The model pro-rates the costs based on institutional mission and tax funding and adjusts for institutional size (with smaller institutions receiving slightly higher funding). In the November 2019 meeting the Board approved using the model to make an additional budget requests for growth funding beginning fiscal year 2021.
The model has several key characteristics:
The "milestone" in each course disaggregation is 100 FTE. For Snow College tax funding is pro-rated at 70%. There is an 120% adjustment for the College's institutional size.
Snow College developed a projection model and an interactive dashboard to inform decision-making and institutional planning in pursuit of vocational and lower division course milestones. Currently, the institution aims to reach milestones in each area every two years. Additionally, course level data was cross walked to represent the College's operational areas of technical education (vocational), online education, and traditional education (mostly lower division).