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Undergraduate Student Research

Undergraduate research advances student learning to a new level engaging students in inquiry-based learning--activities focused on answering a question that someone else has not already answered. It is also serves as an extension of interdisciplinary and engaged outcomes associated with student learning and growth. The typical assumption is only professors or graduate students are involved in research, but research is integrated into many of Snow College’s undergraduate academic courses and represent more than just laboratory experiments to include undergraduate artwork on display in the Art Gallery or music performances at senior recitals/concerts. Many undergraduate students conduct interdisciplinary research across academic disciplines as a part of their Honors thesis work. 

Undergraduate Student Research

Snow college offers a wide variety of opportunities for undergraduate students to do research, which are defined by the following research levels.

  • Level 1: Course assignments where the aim is to practice statistical analysis based on data. This research uses existing national, regional, or institutional data sets that have been stripped of identifying markers. These data sets can be downloaded and saved on any local device. This research does not involve any interactions or interventions with human subjects and is exempt from IRB review.

  • Level 2: Course assignments or projects that employ simple experimental design (simple surveys and simple random sampling) in concert with statistical analysis. This research can interact with human subjects.  If the research includes survey procedures, interview procedures or observations of public behavior and if the data collected does not identify or can be readily linked the subjects of the study; the research may be exempt under 45 CFR 46.104(d)(2)(i) provided the research does not involve anyone under the age of 18 or over the age of 80; he research does not ask questions or explore topics deemed “high risk” under Title IX protocols; and the presentation of the research is distinct to the class (not public). For this research, the class instructor has oversight over the entire process. No IRB is required. Any online surveys will use Snow College’s ad hoc survey platform, Qualtrics

  • Level 3: Assignments or student research that involve full research design in preparation for external publication and/or presentation (research journals or conferences). Research projects where the information obtained or recorded by the investigator is in such a manner that participant identity can be ascertained or where the nature of the research explores topics deemed “high risk” under Title IX protocols require Snow College IRB application and review.  Students conducting such research must complete human subjects research training provided by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Office for Human Research Protections (Lessons 1 -4) and attend Snow College’s Undergraduate Research Seminar (held each semester after respective 3rd week dates).  
Faculty and External Agency Research

Snow College supports faculty seeking to conduct their research to satisfy graduate or professional level degree requirements. Additionally, academics or investigators outside the College often want to include our students in their research activities. These individuals should obtain IRB approval via the host institution or sponsor to their research/degree. Copies of their proposal and the host institution’s/sponsor’s IRB approval are directed to the Office of Institutional Research for review and an official letter of institutional support.

IRB Resources:

Level 1 Research Data Sets
Types of Undergraduate Research at Snow College Handout
Institutional Review Board Application (unofficial hard copy)
Institutional Review Board Application (online)
Student Research Survey Template (for hard copy surveys only)
Qualtrics Survey Guidelines for Student Research
Qualtrics Training on Project Collaborations/Sharing
Qualtrics Survey Basics Overview
Human Research Protection Foundational Training (

Office of Institutional Effectiveness
Institutional Research & Accreditation
150 East College Avenue
Ephraim, UT 84627
1-435-283-7346 (p)
1-435-283-7304 (f)