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CS 1415 - Lab #14


Program with linked-lists


Review Chapter 17 from Starting Out with C++ by Gaddis.

  1. Name the files LlllFfffList.h and LlllFfffLab14.cpp where Llll is the first four letters of your last name and Ffff is the first four letters of your first name.
  2. Create a linked list class template to hold a collection of items. The class template should have a default constructor, a destructor to delete any remaining nodes, a member function to append a new value to the end of the list, a member function to remove a specific value, and a member function to display the current content of the list.
  3. Write a driver to demonstrate the class template. The driver should demonstrate a linked list of integers. It should be menu-driven using a loop to let the user pick which linked-list operation to perform.
  4. Verify your program works correctly.
  5. Submit your source code file to Due at 8:00 am on 14 April.