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CS 2810 - Project Assignments

  • Project #1: Write a MIPS assembly language program that prints the message "Hello World". Name your file LlllProj01.asm where Llll is the first four letters of your last name. You will be graded according to the grade sheet. Due 3 February
  • Project #2: Write a MIPS assembly language procedure that receives a character array containing all digits and returns the integer value those digits represent. The end of the digits is indicated by the nul-character. Also, write a MIPS assembly language driver program (main procedure) that demonstrates the first procedure by reading a line of text containing all digits from the standard input device and outputing the corresponding integer value to the standard output device. Be sure to adhere to the procedure call convention. Due 10 February
  • Project #3: Due 17 February

  • Project #4:  Write a MIPS assembly language procedure that simulates the multiplication of two unsigned integers as depicted in Figure 3.5 of the text. The procedure receives the mulitiplicand and the multiplier and returns the product. IT CANNOT USE A MULTIPLY INSTRUCTION! Write a MIPS assembly language program that demonstrates your multiplication procedure. Your program should ask the user for two integers to multiply. Adhere to the procedure call convention. Name your file LlllProj04.asm. Due 24 February

  • Project #5:  Due 2 March
  • Project #6:  Due 9 March
  • Project #7:  Due 16 March
  • Project #8:  Due 7 April
  • Project #9:  Due 21 April