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GE Minutes 1-17-2012

Snow College General Education Committee
January 17, 2012
In attendance: Mel Jacobsen, Melanie Jenkins, LaFaun Barnhurst,
Clinton King, Joseph Papenfuss, Tracie Bradley, Patty Meredith,
Jeff Carney (chair), Rick White (ex officio)


Clinton moved, with Joseph seconding, to approve the minutes for
12.2.11. The motion was carried unanimously, with Tracie and
Patty not yet in attendance.


Mel, Melanie, and Jeff all reported that specific details for
the assessment of Math, Written Communication, and Oral
Communication were approaching TracDat readiness.


A goal for the committee this year is to identify KPIs and
tagrets for the assessment of all GE Outcomes. Some of this work
is under way. The committee agreed that all courses that earn GE
credit for any outcome should also earn credit for Outcome 6
(analytical, critical, and creative reasoning). The committee
agreed to email all the divisions and departments affected by GE
Outcome 1 and request appropriate KPI's for Outcomes 1 and 6.
Jeff agreed to draft a letter to that effect.