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GE Minutes 10-11-2013

General Education Committee
October 11, 2013
In attendance: Melanie Jenkins, LaFaun Barnhurst, Joseph Papenfuss, Adam Larsen,
Gregory Wright, Beckie Hermansen, Susan Larsen
Minutes from 9/20/13 and 10/4/13 were approved. Lafaun motioned; Richard
seconded; unanimous vote. We looked through the GE description for Life Science, which was composed by
Joseph. Committee agreed that it had necessary components and could easily be
used to evaluate syllabi.

Approval Process:

We decided that when a syllabus is up for approval, the division representative should send the course numbers and names to the chair of the committee. Subsequently, the chair will list courses to be approved on the agenda and members will review the syllabus online before the meeting. In determining whether a course should we be approved, we will look at three criteria:
1) Does it fit established definition of the GE category
2) Does it list required outcomes
3) Does it provide assessment information on meeting desired outcomes
We discussed what to do with Fine Arts syllabi that are in need of approval:
Com 2300
Art 1010
Art 1020
Art 1040
Art 1050
Art 1060
Joseph motioned that we approve them contingent upon updating them so that they meet the new Fine Arts GE descriptor, reflect the new GE outcomes, and include assessment measures that correlate to the outcomes. Richard seconded the motion. All voted unanimously. Melanie will forward decision onto Curriculum Committee
Chair. Beckie presented ETS assessment tools she discovered. We agreed that we should start a database of resources that divisions can use to help them prepare their own GE assessment tools. We will not meet again until 11/1 due to Fall Break and Strategic Planning the next two Fridays.