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GE Minutes 12-6-2013

General Education Committee
6 December 2013
Attendance: Gregory Wright, Melanie Jenkins, LaFaun Barnhurst, Joseph
Papenfuss, Richard Squire, Beckie Hermansen
I. Approval of Minutes (Nov. 22, 2013): LaFaun motioned, Greg seconded.
Voting unanimous.

II. Discussion Items

A. GE descriptors
We looked over the Oral Communication definition and outcomes. All agreed that they could be used to determine if a course fulfilled the Oral Communication GE outcome. No suggestions were made.
B. Assessment
Beckie led a discussion about which questions to add to the CCCSE assessment that will be administered in the spring. There is room for an additional 15 questions, and we recommended 31. She will take those recommendations into consideration when she submits the additional questions.

III. Consent items

A. New Courses
B. 5-year Review
C. Pending
Com 2300
Art 1010
Art 1020
Art 1040
Art 1050
Art 1060
MUSC 1010
IV. Assessment