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GE Minutes 3-13-2012

Snow College General Education Committee
March 13, 2012
In attendance: LaFaun Barnhurst, Clinton King, Joseph Papenfuss,
Terri Carr, Mel Jacobsen, Jeff Carney (chair), Rick White (ex
officio), Beckie Hermansen (guest)


Terri Carr will represent the Social and Behavioral Sciences Division (replacing Tracie Bradley) until further notice.


Clinton moved, with Joseph seconding, that the minutes of 2.28 be approved. LaFaun, Clinton, Joseph, and Jeff voted to approve the motion. Terri abstained. Mel Jacobsen was not yet present. The motion carried.


Beckie was present to continue our discussion of the CCSEQ begun on 2.28. It is possible for the college to add 20 questions to the CCSEQ. Discussion of such questions filled today's meeting. Last week it was pointed out that the survey's measurement scale (Very Little, Some, Quite a Bit, and Very Much) is ambiguous enough to make it difficult to interpret the survey results. Joseph proposed an alternative system that quantifies the scale. The committee recommended that Joseph's system be adopted. Beckie pointed out that all of the 20 additional question slots were already filled by various campus constituencies, but that a few of the questions were redundant, while the results of several others were not in fact being used. She therefore gave us leave to propose a limited number of questions that would add to our assessment of GE outcomes. The committee proposed additional questions related to writing, quantitative reasoning, science, teamwork, and integrated learning.

ADDENDUM (3.19.2012)

As of this addendum, the exact text of the additional questions
is as follows:
• I used the skills I gained in a writing class in some other
class not directly related to writing.
I used the skills I gained in a math class in some other class
not directly related to mathematics.
• I used skills gained in a class in another non-related setting.
• I improved my ability to work effectively as a member of a
team or group in a classroom setting.
• I used information I learned in a science class to understand
real-world political, economic, or ethical issues.
This text is subject to change.