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Visual Arts Home
About Visual Arts
Visual Arts Courses
Studio Areas
Visual Art Careers
ArtTalks Visiting Artists Series
Snow College Art Gallery
Student Art Galleries
Summer Snow Workshops
Degree Pathways
Final Exams
Testing Center
Hannah Ostraff
Fine Arts
Visual Arts
Visual Arts Courses
ART 1001
Summer Snow Master Classes
ART 1010
Intro to the Visual Arts FA
ART 1020
Basic Drawing (Non-Majors) FA
ART 1050
Basic Photography FA
ART 1100
Visual Culture
ART 1110
Drawing I
ART 1120
2D Surface
ART 1130
3D Space
ART 1140
4D Time
ART 1150
Photo I
ART 1200
Art Talks
ART 1500
Silver/Alternative Photography
ART 1997
Art Internship I
ART 2230
Relief Printmaking
ART 2240
Intaglio Printmaking
ART 2400
Intro to Graphic Design
ART 2410
Introduction to Animation
ART 2430
Digital Drawing & Painting
ART 2600
Sculpture I
ART 2610
Frame Making Fundamentals
ART 3100
Figure Drawing
ARTH 2710
Art History Survey I
ARTH 2720
Art History Survey II
ART 1040
2D Studio Art (non-majors) FA
ART 1060
Intro to Printmaking FA
ART 1600
Jewelry Making/Small Metals
ART 2000
AFA Capstone: Prof Practices
ART 2110
Experimental Drawing
ART 2190
Figure Studio
ART 2220
Screen Printing
ART 2300
Introduction to Painting
ART 2320
Portrait Painting
ART 2420
Experimental Animation
ART 2510
Portraits and Selfies
ART 2520
Land and Place
ART 2530
Black & White Film Photography
ART 2630
Mixed Media:Collage/Assemblage
ART 2660
Portrait Sculpture
ART 2680
Ecorche - The Muscles
ART 2756
Travel Seminar
ART 2800
Special Projects
ART 2950
ART 3690
Figure Sculpture