Division: Natural Science and Math
Department: Physics
Course: PHYS 1750
Title: The Science of Sound and Music
Description: PHYS 1750 is a general education physical science course intended for music majors but open to all majors. Major topics will include the science of acoustics including properties of waves and wave phenomena, aural sound perception through hearing, and the production of sound with musical instruments. Major instrument classes and the physical properties of each will be examined along with musical scales and harmony.
Section | CRN | Schedule | Instructor |
1750-001 | 1521 | MWF9:30 am-10:20 am | Tyler, Jonathan G. |
1750-002 | 1520 | MWF10:30 am-11:20 am | Smith, Larry |
Section | CRN | Schedule | Instructor |
1750-001 | 4387 | MWF9:30 am-10:20 am | Tyler, Jonathan G. |